Allow your practice to grow, explore & learn more about yourself & yoga!
Our workshops & events are here to take you out of your routine, discover new things & share special moments with others. You'll find below our calendar of events & workshops happening in St. Gallen & Zürich areas or online. Stay tuned as we keep adding more events to the calendar!
// JANUARY 2023
6th January 2023 18:30-20:00 CHF40 Bubble Yoga St. Gallen or Live online via Zoom
Practical 21st January 2023 14:00-15:30 CHF50 Bubble Yoga Zürich
Join Bryanna every last Friday of the month for a Psychedelic Yoga session! Psychedelic yoga is a blend of Hatha yoga, breath work, mindfulness and last but not least, music. It's a celebration. It's a chance to move and to be still. And to listen to some really great music!
Practical 27th January 2023 18:45-20:15 Drop-in CHF37 or use your Abo Bubble Yoga Zürich
// FEBRUARY 2023
Ever felt curious about meditation but not sure where to start or why everyone says it is good for you? Then this course is your place to get answers!
Practical 5-7th February 2023 18:00-19:30 (Sun.), 19:00-20:30 (Mon-Tue) CHF180 (scholarship 50.-) Live online via Zoom
03-05th February 2023 08:30-18:00 CHF770 (scholarship available) Bubble Yoga Zürich
11th February 2023 14:00-16:00 CHF50 Bubble Yoga St. Gallen
25-26th Febrary 2023 14:00-19:00 (Sat.) 09:00-17.00 (Sun.) CHF440 Bubble Yoga Zürich