To our Bubble yogis,
In these uncertain times our priority remains to provide a welcoming space for our Community to recharge & slow down, while keeping everyone’s health in mind.
[March 15th 2020]
Good evening everyone,
Obviously this is the message we were hoping not to write but after thoughtful consideration, Bubble Yoga space is closing temporarily until further notice. The safety of our team & students is our responsibility, and so is the one we have towards each other as a collective. Considering recent news in Switzerland and beyond, it feels like the only reasonable thing to do.
In these uncertain times we want to keep supporting our Community & keep sharing the valuable practice of yoga, while also fostering connections despite the needed social distancing, which is why we have LIVE online classes already on the schedule. More will be added very soon so stay tuned. Classes will be limited to 8 students so we can keep an eye on you & maintain a safe & fun practice for everyone - check our class schedule to register.
Stay safe & enjoy these quieter times to slow down, reflect & connect in other ways.
With love always,
Anne & your BY team
[March 14th 2020]
Here is the last update on our studio offering:
• All evening classes are maintained but limited to 6 students max >> please register online
• Pre/Post-natal & kids classes are cancelled for now
• Extra Live Online classes are added to the schedule so you can move & relax from home >> limited space, registrations mandatory!
The following applies to all of us:
• All mats & blocks are to be cleaned diligently with our disinfectant cleaner (no other props will be used for classes)
• If you have your own mat, we recommend bringing it to practice
• Teachers & students are asked to wash hands & use the provided sanitiser before/after class
• We keep our studio extra clean & infused with immune boosting oils
• No hands-on assists during classes
• If you feel sick, stay at home & rest
• Virtual hugs only - it hurts us too, but it’s for the good of all
We’ll continue to evaluate our studio practices & eventually adjust our schedule in light of the Coronavirus developments.
Keep checking our online schedule for updates, and of course get in touch if you have any questions!
With love always,
Your Bubble Yoga Team.