‘Come to your Senses’ Day


A day retreat with yoga teacher and transpersonal art therapist Lara Zilibowitz.
This is an invitation to reconnect with your inborn creative genius. To realise your body as a powerful ally, as an agent of release, of healing, of mystery and magnificence.
This is an opportunity to attune to the unique language of your Being, that doesn't speak in manmade words or express in straight lines. Instead it surges and sparks with meaningful somatic memory, it quakes with colour, sound, temperature and texture.
Through movement, embodied meditation, guided visualisation and artistic expression, you’re invited to strip away layers of stress, muscle clench and coping, to reveal your deeper nature, and reclaim the innate intelligence your body holds.
>> You can join each workshop separately but naturally, we invite you to indulge in the full day for a complete journey through the senses...
// Morning practice - 10:00-12:30
COME TO YOUR SENSES ~ Blindfolded Yoga
Who are you when no one is watching?
How does your body want to move when you’re alone?
This explorative and expressive masterclass is about reconnecting to your unique bodily genius, allowing yourself to move what you feel, as a means of getting in touch with who you truly are.
By blindfolding our outer seeing eyes, we give permission for the backs of our eyes to truly open, for our inner ears to awaken and every cell to sensitise as an organ of perception.
The interactive yoga experience is a pilgrimage into your essence, via all of your sense gates. By following the surges and urges of connected, breath-guided, instinctual movement, you are invited to luxuriate in the texture, flavour, sound, touch and sight of every inner sensation as a portal to liberation.
Be prepared to move and be moved, to see and be seen, to lose yourself and in the process find yourself.

// Afternoon practice - 14:00-16:30
This session will be a 2,5 hour Body Poetry Yin Yoga masterclass, followed by a creative art therapy process.
On top of being a yoga teacher, Lara is also a transpersonal art therapist. Join her on a pilgrimage into your inner landscape as you map the wilderness of your body with every breath, sensation and brush stroke.
Through long passive holds, somatic exploration and artistic externalisation, you’re invited to descend inside, with your breath as a guide, to get to know yourself on levels previously maybe never even thought possible.
This class is open to all levels of practitioner, with the emphasis on meeting yourself where you’re at and reclaiming the innate intelligence your body holds.

Lara Zilibowitz is an internationally touring yoga teacher and artist from Australia, renowned for her fluid teaching style delivered with heartfelt poetic prose.
Each practice with Lara is an invitation to sensitise back to your wild, untamed, original nature as you map the topography of your inner wilderness with every breath and movement. With a focus on embodied curiosity and compassionate inquiry, she holds space for you to connect back with your innate bodily wisdom as the portal to healing and awakening.
Lara is the founder of Body Poetry Yoga and Art of Being Retreats, hosting yoga and meditation teacher trainings and events in Australia and around the world. When she isn’t teaching, and empowering others, you’ll likely find Lara making her signature ceramics and artwork in her hinterland hideaway in Byron Bay, Australia.
Lara is also the artist behind the beautiful mandala paintings in our Bubble Yoga studios!
Date: Sunday 18th June 2023
Time: 10:00-12:30 & 14:00-16:30
Price: CHF95 per workshop // CHF175 full day
Location: Bubble Yoga Zürich // Wattstrasse 3, 8050 Zürich
Registration: via Eversports HERE or by email hello@bubbleyoga.ch