Have you ever been curious about meditation but did not really know where to start? Or perhaps you have tried it a few times but could not maintain a regular practice or felt that you "failed" at it? Or maybe the idea of sitting still for more than 5 minutes and having to "empty your mind" is scary? Well, how about starting afresh & trying something new, together as a Community?
This May, I invite you to explore the practice of meditation! What if you could learn new tools that would allow you to feel less stressed, more energised & more focused? What if you could share the experience with a Community going through the same journey & feel supported along the way?
// Here is the idea: from Monday 1st May to Friday 12th May, I invite you to dedicate 10 minutes of your day to meditation. 12 days. 10 minutes per day. Are you with me? //
1/ Daily Practice - May 1st-12th
We will use the free App "1 Giant Mind" to guide us through the process (download now from AppStore or GooglePlay). The App is specifically designed to learn a simple but powerful meditation technique through a 12 steps program. It also contains tips & answers to all the questions you may have about your meditation practice. I told you, you're not alone!
2/ Community Evening - May 5th with special guest Romy Zgraggen
As every first Friday of the month, I invite to join our Community Evening at Bubble Yoga. This month, we will flow in a gentle 60 minutes yoga practice that will prepare you for a 20-30 meditation practice. We are honoured to have Romy Zgraggen joining us to guide this special meditation session. Romy has years of experience studying & practicing meditation and leading weekly meditation groups. She will share different techniques that can be easily integrated into your daily life & answer any questions you may have about your meditation practice! You can already learn more about Romy by visiting her website.
3/ Share Your Experience!
I know it can be difficult to commit to a regular meditation practice... I myself find it (very!) difficult to meditate regularly. But I also know the power of the collective!
The idea of this challenge is to share the exploration together, knowing that others in our beautiful Community are making the same commitment, and are going through the same journey as you are. When you feel like dropping out, you know there will be people that you can reach out to to find motivation again. When you can sit still & get more clarity for your day, there will also be others to share the success with! Once I know who is in, I'll send you more info on which platform we'll use to share the experience (probably WhatsApp but I'm open to suggestions!).
The program starts this Monday, no need to think about it, just go for it!
Dates: Monday 1st May - Friday 12th May 2017
Price: FREE!
Supporting App: 1 Giant Mind (download now from AppStore or GooglePlay)
More infos & Registration: send an email "I'm IN!" to to let me know that you're joining so I can add you to the community group!
COMMUNITY EVENING with Special Guest Romy Zgraggen
Yoga class & meditation practice followed by convivial apero!
Yoga Mats, props & delicious tea available at the studio.
Simply bring comfy clothes to move. Class is taught in English & open to all levels.
Date & Time: Friday 5th May 2017 // 18:30 - 20:30
Price: Drop-in CHF 30.- or use your Bubble Yoga Abo
Location: Bubble Yoga Studio // Äusserer Sonnenweg 1 - 9000 St. Gallen (entrance door is at the BACK of the building!)
More infos & Registration: or book online HERE
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