Allow your practice to grow, explore & learn more about yourself & yoga!

Our workshops & events are here to take you out of your routine, discover new things & share special moments with others. You'll find below our calendar of events & workshops happening in St. Gallen & Zürich areas or online. Stay tuned as we keep adding more events to the calendar!

// JANUARY 2023

// INTENTION Evening with Anne - ST. GALLEN or ONLINE The new year is always an opportunity to start fresh. Let's harvest this feeling of 'newness' to set the ground for what we wish to create in 2023! The special evening with Anne will include guided meditation followed by a creative reflective journaling process. Time to express our hopes and aspirations LOUD and CLEAR! You can join the event at the studio or online. A recording will be available if you cannot join live. Practical

6th January 2023 18:30-20:00 CHF40 Bubble Yoga St. Gallen or Live online via Zoom

// 'LET'S FLY AERIAL YOGA INTRO with Florie - ZÜRICH Ever been curious to try Aerial yoga classes but not sure if it's something for you or if you're ready to join our weekly classes? This is your place to start!! In this intro workshop, Florie will share the basics elements of aerial yoga while giving you a taste of how fun this practice can be to move in new ways!

Practical 21st January 2023 14:00-15:30 CHF50 Bubble Yoga Zürich


Join Bryanna every last Friday of the month for a Psychedelic Yoga session! Psychedelic yoga is a blend of Hatha yoga, breath work, mindfulness and last but not least, music. It's a celebration. It's a chance to move and to be still. And to listen to some really great music!

Practical 27th January 2023 18:45-20:15 Drop-in CHF37 or use your Abo Bubble Yoga Zürich

// FEBRUARY 2023

// 'LEARN TO MEDITATE' Course with Alexa - ONLINE

Ever felt curious about meditation but not sure where to start or why everyone says it is good for you? Then this course is your place to get answers!

Practical 5-7th February 2023 18:00-19:30 (Sun.), 19:00-20:30 (Mon-Tue) CHF180 (scholarship 50.-) Live online via Zoom

// 25HRS AERIAL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with Florie - ZÜRICH Want to broaden your horizon & skills as a yoga/movement teacher? Our Aerial Teacher Training programme brings you the foundation to bring the fun & challenge of aerial yoga to others. It's also a great place to go for a 3-days deep dive into the practice! Join Florie on the journey - limited space. Practical

03-05th February 2023 08:30-18:00 CHF770 (scholarship available) Bubble Yoga Zürich

// 'START FRESH' BEGINNERS WORKSHOP with Anne - ST. GALLEN Are you new to yoga? Or have you been practicing for a few months & are unsure about certain things? Have you been off your mat for a while & would like to come back to it with a fresh beginner’s mind? Then join Anne for this “Start Fresh” beginners workshop where we’ll unpack the most common poses & breathing techniques & look at the essentials to build a safe & sustainable practice. With space given to ask any question you may have about Yoga or your practice, this workshop will leave you confident to join any Open Level class. Space is limited to 8 students for an optimised learning environment. Practical

11th February 2023 14:00-16:00 CHF50 Bubble Yoga St. Gallen

// REIKI SEMINAR I with Laura - ZÜRICH Erfahre mehr über dich, mehr über das Leben, einfach mehr... Reiki ist eine traditionelle japanische Heilkunst und Philosophie mit der man psychische und Emotionale Blockaden und Grenzen entdecken, ergründen und lösen kann. INHALTE: Grundlagen der Reiki I Philosophie, Reiki Behandlungen für sich und andere anwenden, Chakra Lehre (die 7 Haupt-Chakren), Energiehaushalt und Energieklaumuster, Kurzbehandlung Practical

25-26th Febrary 2023 14:00-19:00 (Sat.) 09:00-17.00 (Sun.) CHF440 Bubble Yoga Zürich