Join Nora & Anne for a day of exploration of your Yoga practice!
An enchanting location in the middle of the woods for a unique experience. Two passionate teachers bringing together their knowledge & love for yoga for a day of movement & transformation. Breaking the patterns of our regular studio practice to reveal new layers, new possibilities. Diving into the potential of your body & refining the subtle details of essential poses that will take your practice to another level.
The day will start with a powerful Vinyasa Flow Masterclass that will surprise your senses. Expect grounding meditation, fluid flows, playful asanas & energising music!
We will then spend the afternoon diving into the depth of 8 essential asanas, exploring precise alignments, possible modifications & supportive hands-on assists.
Coming from different backgrounds & trained in various yoga traditions, Nora & Anne found each other through their common love for this practice & passion for the opportunity to share it with others. They create a positive, non-competitive & up-lifting environment while providing adjustments and assists for a safe practice.
Together we rise =)
Date & Time: Sunday 3rd June
10:00-12:30 // ‘Explore’ Masterclass
14:00-17:00 // Asana Lab Workshop
Price: Masterclass 60CHF // Workshop 90CHF // Full day: 140CHF
Location: Yoga Scheune // Burgrain 37 // 8706 Meilen
Registration: hello@bubbleyoga.ch