Yoga arm balances and inversions may feel like the inaccessible poses reserved for professional yoga practitioners – but they aren't all crazy hard! These poses are not only good for strength, body awareness and focus. They are also great at providing some fun challenges for every body & encourage us to ignite our child’s mind – it’s all about PLAY.
This workshop series is composed of 2 modules, which can be taken separately or combined to track progress & grow!
In the 101 « Dream Big » Workshop, we’ll look at the foundations of arm balances, understanding the key points of alignment that keep our shoulders & wrists safe, exploring our fears of falling (failing?!) and developing the confidence & the strength to get our feet off the ground.
Typical poses we’ll explore are: crow/side crow poses, flying pigeon, eight-angle pose, shoulderstand & headstand variations…
In the 102 « Fly High » Workshop, we’ll go a step further, playing with more advanced asanas, exploring ways to combine these poses into funky flows & making our way towards stronger inversions such as forearmstand & handstand. We will mix practices at the wall & partner work, progressively moving to the middle of the room!
Anne promotes a playful approach of yoga and enjoys encouraging people to explore and experiment. She will teach you the techniques to help you turn your practice upside down in a positive, non-competitive & up-lifting environment while providing adjustments and assists for a safe practice.
This will be an open forum for trying new things, reviewing old ones and facing your fears in a playful way. The time offered between the 2 workshops is a perfect opportunity to apply the principles & techniques explained in the 101 module and approach the 102 module with a sense of integration & growth. All levels are welcome as everyone can practice at their own pace and comfort.
Come play, learn and have fun!
101 "DREAM BIG" Workshop
Date & Time: Saturday 24th March 2018 // 14:00-17:00
102 "FLY HIGH" Workshop
Date & Time: Saturday 14th April 2018 // 14:00-17:00
Price: CHF 80.- for 1 workshop // 140.- for 2 workshops
Location: Planet Yoga studio // Eichstrasse 23 // 8045 Zürich
Registration: or book online HERE